Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New website launch!

We are pleased that we are about to launch my newly redesigned website at staningerreport.com

1 comment:

  1. Dr.Staninger thank you for giving back the faith to so many innocent people ,
    I live in the North of Spain (Catalonia) left my country (Netherlands)looking for blue skies,but I must say sinds more or less 6 years its getting colder and colder during the winter
    I`m a father of two kid`s 23 and 13,some weeks ago a plane without sound flew over our house leaving this strange trail that changed into a long cloud
    the same day I find out about it all,they are spraying us for many years (chemtrails)the problem is people think I`m paranoid,I made a videotake and put it on You Tube
    please can anyone give a opinion
    to confirm my worry ?
    Thanks for your great work and happy to know the new website will be soon operative.
