Saturday, March 12, 2011

Preventative Toxicology for Radiation Poisoning

In my decades as a toxicologist I sometimes have to trace back years in a patient's history to determine someone's radiation exposure.  With the radiation levels outside the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station over the weekend at 1,204 microsieverts per hour, over twice Japan’s legal limit, according to Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano, they are 1000 times over the normal limits.  This means that given typical wind patterns, the plume will reach North America's West Coast in approximately 8 days and the East Coast two days after that. Personally, as a precaution I am taking my own formulations to prevent radiation poisoning - Baci Mi Empress of the Jade and Empress of the Dragon.  Each of these formulations contain kelp, which is a natural source of iodine to purify and detoxify the thyroid.  Empress of the Jade is also an excellent source of superoxide dismutase, essential to the body's detoxification pathways.  It is fortunate that the Japanese diet is rich in kelp, dulse and seaweed as the population copes in the aftermath of the recent tsunami and nuclear plant accidents. 

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